goodbye to 1021 Hickory.
the time has cometo say goodbye
to my home of three years--
to the basement we fly.
most all our belongings
to storage have gone-
and i am left in a house
that looks nothing like it once did
and i am left with my life
being chopped into bits—
or so it seems, only right now,
i know i won’t always feel this way
but how hard life has seemed
and i long for the day
to breathe deeply and laugh freely
to love Only as i once did
perhaps out in the country
perhaps with fewer things
yes, maybe soon life
will not seem so doomed
for He called me to life
and to live abundantly
that is why He came and
why He stayed on that tree
but then refused death
and in victory rose
and bids me to join Him
in life ever after
that starts right now, here,
even in this curséd weekend
even in this very breath
“Day and night they never stop saying:
‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,
Who Was, and Is, and Is To Come.’”
revelation 4.8b
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Love you!
Jace's Mom, at
4:14 PM
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