worst lunch break of my life
so today doug and i chased that squirt of a pooch cosmo for 45 MINUTES around our part of arkadelphia. (we are doggy-sitting for our dear friends matt and kim while they attend kim's aunt's funeral.)the chase was literally like a nightmare. running but never catching, crying one-pound tears of desperation because the situation was completely out of our control...i mean we ran through SONIC (more than once) with customers and employees both trying to help, doug chased him across the HIGHWAY and pine street (during the BUSY LUNCH HOUR) and then back again...however, the bottom lines are that 1) he is safe and sound inside of our house and 2) we are so grateful that he MIRACULOUSLY escaped unharmed.
doug wasn’t so lucky, though, bless his heart. i bore witness to one of the few times he took a dive for the pup as though he were going for home base and trying to win the world series. wow. (but to no avail.) he is bruised and scraped up pretty badly.
thanks be to God for our loyal and obedient anabelle—if she wouldn’t have been around, and if cosmo wasn’t a cute little rascal who likes to follow anabelle (right into our BACKYARD, praise Be), i don’t think we would have ever had cosmo in our possession again. and then i believe a LOT of time would have to pass before matt and kim would come anywhere close to calling us friends again. the end.
2 comment(s):
Hah! Funny. We had one of those episodes over Christmas when we were dogsitting our friends Golden Retriever, Charlotte. Why do these things always happen with your friends' dogs? Anyway, it was nighttime and there was a foot of snow on the ground, so thankfully Charlotte couldn't run as fast. But it did take about 30 minutes of four grown men chasing her before Jared finally did the flying world-series level dive (like Doug), and he ended up with scratches all over his arm from the sharp ice.
People REALLY need to teach their dogs the command "COME." It's way more important than shaking hands, for heaven's sake!
Rachel, at
5:23 AM
are you going to kc for the wedding? i would love to sit down to a cup of coffee and a conversation with you.
Suzanne, at
5:26 PM
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