

Thanks, Suzanne, for this fun new game. :)
I love it!

Who will join me?...

The Official rules of the Interview-Game
1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying "interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different.
3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions
6. I will answer reasonable follow up questions if you leave a comment.

1. Do you remember the first time you really felt loved by God? How old were you? What makes you feel His love now?

I can say with all my heart that, as a child, I continuously felt His love through the love of my parents. Also, even though I was only six years old, I clearly remember the night that I initially decided to follow the Lord.
As a teenager and young adult, I suppose His love became much more real to me. I continue to try and allow Him to know me more fully, and He in turn reveals Himself and His love to me through His Spirit, His Word, and His own. I suppose my most “emotional” moments of knowing God’s love have been married with music. My husband, also, plays an incredible role in my feeling the love of Almighty God.

2. If you could recast any movie and insert John Cusack for the main character, which would it be and why?

How did you know that John Cusack is my all-time favourite? How? This is a GREAT question. I have thought about this quite a bit, and first, let me say that my favourite role of his simply has to be as Lloyd Dobbler. I know many would answer the same, and I have to be okay with that. (I love him more! j/k) Anyway, I suppose I’m really cheating you by not really answering the question (exactly), but I will have to say that there needed to be a sequel to Say Anything, and he, of course, would be in it. Every time I watch that wonderful movie, I LONG to see the future of Lloyd and Diane. I am sure there are many good reasons why a sequel was never explored and made, but I can’t think of any.
Sorry to not really answer the question—I seriously cannot think of a good enough answer. There are only certain created roles that have been good enough for him to have played, you know? My second favourite is probably as Rob Gordon in High Fidelity, but I even loved him in Runaway Jury as Nick Easter and he was something else as Ed in Identity.

3. If your waitress offers you a straw, do you take it? Why or why not?

Are you kidding? I have never understood non-straw drinkers. My husband is one of them. To his credit, though, after being a waitress, I know that men VERY rarely request/take a straw. Little boys are another story, but men—hardly a straw doth touch their lips. Why do I take a straw? I am afraid I am failing you once again by really not answering the question, but I cannot imagine NOT taking a straw. I just love it.

4. What is the single most important thing you learned at Ouachita? (or are learning?) Why?

This is too, too tough. Wow. I think I’ll have to keep it simple and just say that I came to (and am coming to) understand that people will disappoint you. I have to say though, that overall, I loved my time at Ouachita as a student.

5. What is the biggest fine you've ever paid at one time? What had you checked out or rented? Was it worth it?

I had to think about this for a long time, because I have never had a ticket or accidentally kept a book for eight years or anything crazy like that. Then I remembered…ah, the dreaded SIXTY something dollar fine at the video store (which has since burned down) for the game that Doug had rented and played, bless his heart. He felt really badly about that, but OH WELL. And no, of course it wasn’t worth it—I don’t remember what the game was (Army Men?!?!), and I never played it even once. But I still love him dearly!! :)

1 comment(s):

yea for cusack and his coolness! (honestly, i saw say anything on your profile and got excited. check out myles' blog, cause he answered a question with cusack, too!)

By Blogger Suzanne, at 5:30 PM  

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