eight weeks and counting
so today i would like to announce to those of you who do not already know,I AM WITH CHILD!!
(no, that is DEFinitely NOT me in my profile picture...just a cute pregnant woman.)
i’ve been walking around the past twelve days with the knowledge that a life is growing inside me, and i cannot begin to express my thoughts or feelings. perhaps doug and i should have waited to tell the whole world until later…but how could we have kept secret such news?
my whole life i have desired to be a mother. actually, the only three things i’ve ever really wanted to do in life are to be able to sing (to, for and about Him), be a wife and a mother. now that the time is here—so unexpectedly, i might add—I find myself saying often, “are You sure, Lord?” because we are so unprepared financially, doug and i struggle almost hourly with trusting the One Who has allowed and obviously played a part in this great miracle to also be the One Who will provide. His Name is Jehovah Jireh, the Lord Who Provides, indeed. the faith part comes in, I suppose, because we have no idea HOW He will do that…(doug is still in school, i work so he can GO to school, blah blah blah…) Nothing is impossible with Him, though! Nothing!
worries and fears aside, i’m excited out of my MIND. i’ve been reading all i can get my hands on, and i’ve really learned a lot about the different stages of growth. This week he (or she, as doug might say) :)
“is now 5/8 of an inch long, about the size of a kidney bean. He's constantly moving and shifting, although I won't be able to feel these womb wiggles for several weeks yet. His embryonic tail is disappearing (GOOD!), and his eyelids practically cover his eyes. Still slightly webbed, his fingers and toes are growing longer. His arms have lengthened, too, and his hands are now flexed at the wrist and meet over his heart. His knee joints have formed, and his feet may be long enough to meet in front of his body. With his trunk straightening out, his head is more erect. Breathing tubes extend from his throat to the branches of his developing lungs. The nerve cells in his brain are also branching out to connect with one another, forming primitive neural pathways.” (compliments of www.babycenter.com)
can you even believe the miracle of a child living and growing inside his mother? as a friend recently wrote me (speaking of the moment her child was born), “the second i heard him cry i just about lost it. it makes me really wonder how people can not believe in God.”
that’s exactly how i felt when i heard my own child’s heartbeat last week. as tiny as he is, i actually saw the little one on the (ultrasound) screen and witnessed his miniscule heart pump, pump, pump just as fast as it could. then the nurse turned up the volume (i suppose), and i heard the 145 beats/minute heartbeat that shook my ears and entire being. never before, i do not think, have i burst into tears in quite the same way. no sooner had her hand touched the dial did i immediately beg to hear that miraculous, beloved sound again.
eight weeks into this adventure and counting. the due date is around September 20th.
9 comment(s):
I am so excited for you! I can't believe that our little ones are only a day apart!! How cool is that!! I loved your post. I hadn't seen some of that information about all the things going on right now. Congratulations!
The James Family, at
4:35 PM
Wow! Congratulations!!!
I know you will be a great mom :)
danarv, at
7:39 PM
that's wonderful! congrats! i hope one day i can see the little chunker!
myleswerntz, at
8:18 AM
woo-hoo! and a double woo-hoo! congratulations, rebekah and doug! i'm so excited for you guys! i love that you already have the countdown started! we'll be counting down with you!
i believe another woo-hoo! is in order...
Suzanne, at
12:31 PM
i'm very happy for you both!
juliebelle, at
1:53 PM
Yea for you guys! During my pregnancy I really wanted to write a book entitled "What to Expect When You Are Unexpectedly Expecting."
I'm super excited for you guys! And we understand the myriad of emotions that come when you are suprised by a bundle of joy:)
M. Lumpkin, at
6:08 PM
OH my gosh, oh my gosh! What a great mother you will be. Congratulations!
Stephanie, at
10:48 PM
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Am looking forward to all your posts about the growth of this child :)
(and yes, thanks for the note on my blog. you're back up!)
Mary, at
9:25 AM
OH MY GOSH! Congrats! How exciting. =) If you have him/her early, shoot for Sept. 7 (my birthday)!
Rachel, at
2:56 PM
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