

Mohawked Deer-Lover

I read this here yesterday. I just had to share it. It's a little funny and a little weird and a little frightening all mixed up in one big pot.

In September, after law enforcement officers in North Carolina spotted a reportedly stolen ambulance and chased it through three counties until forcing it into a ditch north of Greensboro, they found the driver to be mohawk-hairstyled Leon Hollimon Jr., 37, who is not a medical professional but was wearing a stethoscope and with latex gloves in his pocket. Strapped to a gurney in the back was a dead six-point deer, and according to witnesses cited by the Florida Times-Union newspaper (Hollimon is from Jacksonville, Fla.), an intravenous line was attached to it and a defibrillator had been used. [Florida Times-Union, 9-28-05]

Completely beside the point,
  • Doug and I are moving into a new [rent] home; we could not be more happy or excited. Please send donations. JUST KIDDING. But seriously--sometimes I feel like we're making a "wrong" move because of $. Hard not to worry and such. But in the comforting and wise words of my mother, "I know it will be hard, but you've gotta have a life," and then today, from Scott Duvall, "There's something to say about the quality of life..." And really, we haven't. (Had a life.) (For 9 months.)
  • Any coincidence there with the nine months thing? Ha ha, another JUST KIDDING.
  • This Saturday is my first group meeting for FINLAND. I look forward to meeting the other team members and talking about the trip. :)
  • I'm hosting this month for my beloved Bunco group! A huge, hearty thanks to my dear friends, Jennie and Lori, for the use of their beautiful home on the eve of the 22nd.
  • Speaking of food, yes, I changed my template. What can I say? I love food. Why not have it as my template. :)
  • I'm becoming a more horrible employee by the millisecond. I've GOT to do something about this. That, and I think I'm going to have to get another "moonlighting" job again. (See the first bullet.) School cafeteria, here I come? I could be like Adam Sandler's lunch lady. Or hopefully not.

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