to my friends, on their 28th birthday
once upon a time (around 10,220 days ago), three precious babies were born into this world on the same day. one would grow up to be a God-fearing, God-and-people-loving husband and writer—whose words no one could touch. another would become a fireball of life, eager to live life to the fullest and experience all she could—all the while selflessly giving of herself through her daily work. the last precious baby would grow to be a woman whose beauty none could match, whose tenderness and grace none could fathom, whose love for her Lord and her loved ones were beyond compare.kevin, i love you and think the world of you. you are such a beautiful man. happy birthday.
julie, you are the most unique person i have ever known. i miss you and love you so very much. happy, happy birthday.
jennie, you are my best friend. (i’m saying it for all the world to see.) may this birthday truly be magical for you! my respect, admiration and love for you continues to grow. you are so lovely. happy birthday, sweet jennie.
3 comment(s):
i am incredibly amazed by all the nice blog posts dedicated to me today. it IS magical!
thanks so much.
Anonymous, at
7:41 AM
my i say thrice times...
i love you, beloved triplets :)
from sarah
Anonymous, at
11:12 AM
does learning how to knit count as living life to the fullest?
you are so nice to us.
love, love
juliebelle, at
9:21 AM
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