ai 5
okay, so last night at bunco, SOMEhow the girls started talking about american idol & how i should try out for it.i've been advised against it (and every sensible bone in my body agrees), but thanks to kathy (i bet you're so happy and just LAUGHING right now b/c YES, i did think of songs & sing them all the way home last night), i thought i would propose a little vote. this is probably the most self-centered post ever (yes, even more than the birthday one), but what the heck--it's all just for fun. :)
A. Let's Give 'Em Somethin' to Talk About, Bonnie Raitt
(If your answer is "B," then please tell me what "other" is.)
Auditions are two weeks from Monday in Memphis. (only 3 hrs away) I just happen to have Labor Day off this year (first time EVER for the university) I guess I'm considering it. What do you say, MB? Want to stand in line with me and maybe audition, too? :)
No wise cracks, Cade.
11 comment(s):
Well first let me just say, heck yeah you should do it... it would be crazy not to as you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Honestly, Rebekah, I have never heard a more beautiful voice than yours... I haven't heard THAT many people sing in person, but I was BLOWN AWAY. Granted, our dear Jennie also has a beautiful voice, but I don't think we could ever persuade her to tryout.
Now, I'm not so sure about "let's give 'em something to talk about" but I know nothing about music. I will say that the reason I liked you singing "Eternal Flame" was that you just sounded so sincere and pure.
Anyhow, in the words of Nike, Just Do It!
danarv, at
4:32 PM
I can't believe Cade watched AI. And admitted it on TWO blogs.
1. YES.
2. I love Bonnie Raitt. I think I can see you doing that song. Good choice.
Anonymous, at
6:49 PM
I definitely think you should try out! It would be great fun!!! I think the Bonnie Rait song would be good. I LOVE Eternal Flame but I don't know if it would showcase your talent enough. Let me think about is always good to have several lined up in case they ask you to sing something else, you know??? (like something faster or slower, etc.)
wiebke, at
8:42 AM
I know that you think that I am against it, but I really do think that you should go for it. You don't have anything to lose. The reason I said those things earlier, is that I don't want you to get your hopes up, because the truth is you may not even get the chance to audition. But you will never know what could have been if you don't try. I like the Bonnie Raitt song and I think you mentioned another one of her songs at Bunco that I really liked too. But with whatever song you decide to sing, I think the judges will be able to hear that you have a beautiful voice!
Matt and Kim Cleveland, at
10:08 AM
(My official first response to anyone's blog. A worthy occasion, I might add.)
1. Are you joking . . . Participation is not optional. You HAVE to audition.
What a fun way to spend Labor Day with friends and family! I'm extra curious about the behind-the-scenes action of an audition. Go and tell. At the very least it will be an interesting way to spend the holiday, and a people- watching dream come true.
2. Let's Give 'Em Somethin' to Talk About.
I can just imagine you belting that one out. :) I agree you should have back-up options/styles in your trick bag. I like You Are My Sunshine as a simple, secondary song. I concede it's not a current song, so that may get ruled out.
Anonymous, at
10:48 AM
I definitely think you should try out! I will have to keep up with it online, but you know I'll do it.
I like your choice of song, too.
I'm so excited! Please keep us posted.
Kt :-)
Katie A, at
11:55 AM
how did i just now see this?
well, yeah, school has just started
of course you should do it
follow your dream, i know you want it. in line with that maybe you should sing "climb every mountain"
not really though. i have always loved that song...but of course will think of some other "just in case" options. although WARNING hardly seen much of AI but i dont want to see you crying when that punk-a tone-deaf bleepin idiot insults you. yeah, yeah, he gets paid to be the rude guy, sure, but i know how you can spill tears.
Anonymous, at
10:32 AM
i was joking about the sound of music song and i mean i love something to talk about...
Anonymous, at
10:33 AM
This would be the one thing that would actually get me to watch the show. I ca't believe I missed getting to hear you sing!
Stephanie, at
10:49 AM
A - I love that song!
It would be fun to watch someone I know - okay, kind of know - on AI!
Rachel, at
6:27 AM
Wow! That would be so amazing! I definitely think you should do it! You deserve an opportunity to chase your dreams and do something you love doing. I do think you would do that song amazingly and it would blow them away, however, after seeing you sing that new song in church this morning (which was amazing) I was blown away, so, while I realize the judges would be a secular audience, I have experienced how powerful it is to hear you and see you sing something from your heart - something that expresses who you are - something that will not be compromised. Anyway, just an idea. You will be great at whatever it is, and I would be the most priveleged friend in the world to say, "I knew her when."
:-) And just think... if you become a famous singer, it won't matter where you live, so it will be much easier for you to move to Oregon with us! :-) And you'll have enough money to fly home and see your family whenever you want! I say do it and whatever kind of support you might need - you've got it! Love you!
Jace's Mom, at
12:15 PM
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