To Rebekah, on her 28th birthday
Rebekah,On your birthday, try not to worry so much.
Forget about the money problems
and not having plans for the future.
Don't get so worked up about dog hairs all over the place;
instead, go to the lake with her more often.
Do your best to love others the way you have been loved
so richly and unconditionally by your Heavenly Father.
Try and try and TRY not to take everything so seriously;
this is the only one life you have been given to live, after all, and twenty eight years of it have already passed!
When you make a grammatical error, correct it and move forward.
When someone doesn't react the way you thought he or she would, remember that everyone has the right to do and say as they please; let others have their own opinions.
When you don't get around to sending the thank you note that you've composed 101 times in your head, let it go.
and Smile.
and remember who you are:
a child of the Most High, a daughter of the King, one who is loved by the Most Lovely (even in your unloveliness), created and cherished, and one who has been given the gift of eternal living (which will be much, much longer than 28 years).
11 comment(s):
Amen Sista! As Mike Ness reminds us, "Life goes by so fast. You only want to do what you think is right. Close your eyes and its past - story of my life". Celebrate randomly and enjoy your new year!
Kimberly, at
3:10 PM
Anonymous, at
5:31 PM
Happy day Rebekah
danarv, at
6:03 PM
oh bekahr, i wish i could be there to zerbertz you on the face for your big day. much love and warm wishing from cleveland.
o happy day.
juliebelle, at
11:18 PM
What a GREAT ode to a beautiful daughter of God.
Happy Birthday and many, many more!!!
Katie A, at
11:38 AM
Happy birthday, dear Rebekah, I wish the world for you and wish it could all be yours on your day. However, I rest in knowing that, while it might not be today (or even yesterday since today isn't your birthday anymore), you will have the world - someday. :-) I am so grateful that 28 years ago God brought you into this world so that 28 years later, I, and all of those blessed by you, could experience the joy that comes with having you as a friend. My prayer is that God will reveal to you all that has come of the last 28 years, and that you will be reminded of your youth and all the days that lie ahead - filled with truly unlimited possibilities! I love you.
Jace's Mom, at
8:32 PM
just saw that you celebrated your birthday yesterday - hope the festivities continue throughout the year :) may it be the beginning of wonderful things!
Mary, at
9:06 PM
Loved the Ode to Rebekah.
Beautiful, just like you.
Anonymous, at
6:35 AM
happy late birthday, bekkers.
Suzanne, at
8:55 PM
You are one in a million. Would so love to hear your beautiful voice again. cmmjr
sirrom, at
1:00 PM
AND, to dear, dear Rebekah...know beyond doubt that our friendship is unconditional and such a joy in my life. praise God that he has blessed me with you and Doug, for laughter and hugs and encouragement. Happy late Birthday, friend. i'm so looking forward to all the times we have yet to hang out together. ~Charla
Anonymous, at
11:43 AM
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