I'm doing it
I’m going on the master cleanser. my sister has done it in the past, and she’s been telling me about it for a long time, and now I’ve decided to do it. what do I have to lose? ha ha—that’s gross, really, because I know I’ll be “losing” a lot…of CRAP from my body, that is. I’m not a health nut, by ANY MEANS, but if these “natural health” persons are right about even HALF of what they say the master cleanser can do for someone, then I say it’s all worth it. this is so weird and gross, but here’s an example of an extreme result (found here with a lot of other crazy examples):“One of my clients put his mother on the diet, and on her eighth day an old scar from gall bladder surgery opened up, draining pus and releasing a stitch that bad been left in her body 22 years earlier.”
so, I’m starting it this Saturday and will go for the minimum 10 days (through the 20th). pray for me, because I’ll need it—especially for the first three days. I think I may be most weirded out when my tongue starts to turn green (on the fourth or so day, sarah says). I suppose when I think of toxins, though (i.e. toxic waste), that’s the colour I generally imagine.
gross, huh?
7 comment(s):
ooh, my roommate erin just did that same "cleanser" about a month ago for 10 days. i was out of town for most of it, but i remember that she was really sick to her stomach the first couple days, and it got much easier after that.
and as an added bonus, she actually eats a lot healthier now. lots of salmon and fresh veggies (after lots of fast food - she's a social worker so her schedule demanded drive-through). good luck with it!
Mary, at
2:50 PM
I bought some Crest mouthwash recently and it turned my tongue blue. I thought THAT was weird until I read this post! Good luck. I'm sure you'll do great. Is Doug going to do it with you?
Anonymous, at
7:23 AM
I've never heard of such a thing! Are you eating meals during the 10 days, or just drinking the elixir? I'm curious to know more...Good luck! Maybe you could bring samples to bunco!
Anonymous, at
11:22 AM
Dear DIL I hope it works for you!!
Anonymous, at
6:31 PM
how's the cleansing going? could you email me your address? i have something i'd like to send you.
Suzanne, at
8:40 PM
oops. suzannemmorton@yahoo.com
Suzanne, at
8:41 PM
after reading the ingredients, i nearly cleansed myself. without the master cleanser. as in, i nearly puked.
myleswerntz, at
8:44 PM
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