100 things about me: part ii of iv
26. I am maybe the most paranoid person I know. Whenever I hear co-workers whispering, I almost always think they’re talking badly about me. I always worry that I’m annoying other persons and/or hurting their feelings, and so I ask things like, “Are you sure?” or “Really?” or (only to my family) “You promise?” Exasperating, I know. A long time ago, I heard a really great sermon/message that aided in opening my eyes to my self-centeredness and true arrogance. Being that way (always thinking others are talking badly about you, etc.) is exactly the same thing, at heart, as one strutting around with his chest puffed up and bragging about his latest accomplishment. The “it’s all about me” mentality is something I’ve tried to correct over the past several years, and the process is definitely one step forward, two steps back.27. Going hand in hand with that, I, unfortunately, tend to be pretty negative and pessimistic. I truly try to “focus on the positives” and see the glass half-full, but generally my words are filled with doom and drear. How can this be when I belong to the Living God and have an Eternal Hope? (I ask myself this question almost daily and struggle with the answer, but oh how I love Galatians! Especially chapter 5.)
28. I used to be a much more outgoing person than I am at the present time. I’m not sure what made the change(s), but I often wish I were still an extrovert.
29. Speaking of personalities, my type is ISFJ. (I=33%, S=11%, F=56%, J=33%)
30. I like my oatmeal thick, and I like to call it porridge.
31. The MSNBC news headlines are delivered to my inbox every day. I’m embarrassed to say that I always most look forward to the entertainment section. (Although I do in fact read the articles prior to the ones in that section.)
32. I also love People magazine. Doug hates this about me, and I will say it’s not a thing I’m too proud to admit. Why am I so drawn to the lives of celebrities? Ridiculous.
33. When I was in fourth grade at Brighton Township Elementary School in Beaver, Pennsylvania, there was a period of time that I had to stay inside during recess (and a little after school, as well) with my teacher, Mr. Parsons. No, I had not misbehaved. My penmanship, which I had learned in Australia, was “horrible,” and he made me re-learn cursive. I happen to think that Australians generally have gorgeous handwriting, and I so wish that I still wrote that way.
34. I believe that the above experience is part of why I am extremely obsessive-compulsive about my handwriting. If a letter is not connected “just so” or if it’s too loopy, I have to go over it (and over it and over it) until the letter is “perfect.” By then, of course, everything looks gross; at that point, I usually crumple up the paper and start all over again. Wow. If I am ever a teacher, I really hope that I will be extra sensitive to my students’ feelings and especially complimentary of their attempts at cursive.
35. Speaking of being obsessive-compulsive, I am. See this post for further ramblings.
36. I let the expletives fly sometimes. Recently my dear SIL was visiting, and I think I may have scared her off from any future visits with all the s- and d- bombs I dropped.
37. I love designing invitations, stationery, etc. Before my current position, I was in “the dungeon” on campus and got to design and print invitations—that was my favourite part of the job. Although I do not have any type of training or background in graphic design, I suppose the print shop experience was enough because I still have a few bites for design work sometimes! I work at a university where one of the mottos is “Ring by spring or your money back,” so, as you can see, I have many on-the-side business opportunities. Recently, I even went so far as to come up with my own catalogue (entitled “every jot and tittle”) and company name (rb designs). Fun!!
38. Fear grips me. Whether it be of spiders or getting older, I really struggle with being afraid. I frequently repeat to myself “Perfect love casts out fear.” Yes, He does.
39. I am married to my first boyfriend. Doug is precious and passionate, charismatic and intelligent, unique and sensitive, talented and spontaneous…what a package! (Do NOT read into that last statement!!) :)
40. Since high school, my response to, “So what do you want to do with your life?” has been, “As long as I can be a wife, a mother, and be able to sing, I will be very happy.” (Of course that’s after I want to say the phrase right back to them, but in a Matt Foley voice.) So the first and the third things are in place…I cannot wait for the day that I become a mother. Speaking honestly, that is truly the thing on this earth that I most long for.
41. I LOVE nicknames for other people and for myself. Thanks to my dear sister, I probably have about 37 of them. No, but seriously—there’s rebstar, of course, and rebbles, rebcakes, rebbie, rebeekah (another “of course,” but not from Sarah), rebchules, rebukah (pronounced “rebuke-ah,” but that’s from another sister), rebek, bekah, bekahr, beeker, beeks, and plopper. And that’s just the first dozen. But just don’t call me becky; I hate that one.
42. The only person who has ever called me “becky” (and I didn’t mind) was my best friend, Tanya, in Australia. (see #11) Seriously, to this day, I know she would write/say, “G’day, Becky,” like that’s my name.
43. I love American Idol. This year’s show was somewhat disappointing, but I have still enjoyed it, thanks to Jennie. (Listen to what an amazing, selfless friend she is: I do not get any type of reception on our t.v.—no local channels or anything—so Jennie has been taping the show and sending me the tapes. Every time I stop to think about how wonderful she is, my mind is just about blown.) A few summers ago, I even went to an American Idol concert. Yes, I really am almost 28 years old.
44. You know on hot days when your shoes squish on the softened (but not sticky or anything) tar that’s between cracks on the road? Well, I LOVE that feeling.
45. Conflict. I tend to avoid it.
46. I have an incredibly low self-esteem. (This probably goes along with #s 26 & 27.) When I was in college and really trying to deal with that fact, my eyes were opened to an event that I believe may have really started the downward spiral: the Medusa incident. (I’ll explain this at a later time.) But then again, I remember as a CHILD looking at my little mosquito-bitten legs and wishing for “white” legs (without any scars). Our wicked enemy is so crafty, isn’t he? He truly does aim to steal, kill and destroy.
47. I’m an Independent Consultant for the Pampered Chef. Although I am not anything close to being an aggressive salesperson (and am therefore not a “gung-ho” consultant), I really enjoy this part-time job. I love their products, and that is why I started selling them—so I could get them at great discounts and for free! If you love kitchen stuff, this is the place to get them. (I had to throw in that sales pitch!) :)
48. Doug and I have a dog named Anabelle. She is the first dog I have ever had, and although I loved all the cats I ever had, I believe I love Anabelle more than any pet that has come before her. She is so loving and obedient, and she’s so cute. I feel so sad and guilty that we (have to) leave her alone in a mostly dark one-bedroom basement apartment all day.
49. When I was in high school, I had major sinus problems. I had to have x-rays and stuff all the time—it was so yucky. I think I pretty much live with an eternal sinus infection, but it rarely ever bothers me.
50. I have been to six of the seven continents. Antarctica, here I come! (Just kidding.)
4 comment(s):
Matt Foley! Oh, Matt Foley! How I heart him.
It makes me feel good to know that I'm not the only one who has problems with dropping the s-bomb. I really hope I can make it through Jared's whole family reunion. Oh how they would gasp!
P.S. I know what it's like to wish with all your heart that you had normal leg-skin. When I was in 8th grade, my friend gave me scabies. SCABIES. Yes, the disease homeless peopel get. Anyway, I had all these little red bumps and scabs ALL over every inch of my legs. And I had to wear uniform skirts. I remember looking at other girls' legs and being SO jealous and wishing that I were normal. It may be an attack of the enemy, but I think God lets these things happen to us to keep us from getting too vain. =)
Rachel, at
9:13 AM
I don't think I knew about the high school sinus problems...X-rays?
It's just so funny to think about you letting the expletives fly.
Anonymous, at
9:13 AM
I think we're very much alike, rgs. I marrried my first boyfriend, go early to the Drs office so I can read People, read MSN entertainment news on a daily basis, love to make cards, can't wait to be a mother, watch AI, avoid conflict, and am currently wishing for normal legs. I got a 2nd degree sunburn @ DW while wearing capris. How attractive is that? I probably won't be wearing shorts this summer - at least not in public. :)
Anonymous, at
6:56 AM
I had so much fun reading through your list! I'm the total introvert who is final admitting to being a people person, too. I'm still struggling with the conflict thing. I used to avoid it like the plague, but I'm even handling being on the Constitution and By-Law Team for my new church and haven't had a panic attack yet. (This is a true sign of God's healing power!)
Katie A, at
5:27 PM
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