today has been one of the worst days at work I have ever had. nothing overloading or difficult, really, but a “run-in” with a co-worker this morning set the mood, and I guess I just still haven’t recovered. working where I do, I have (almost) never had anything like this happen. I’m going to be careful of what I say, for I know there have been others who have lost jobs over blogging about them. anyway, the bottom line is that I was talked down to by another person in a neighboring department. big deal, some of you might be saying. yeah, I really have been sheltered. I am sure what I experienced today is NOTHING compared to what most deal with on a daily basis. when I was in the food industry, for instance, I overheard other servers screaming profanities back and forth with managers at least once a week. I even had a terrible time or two with a few of the not-so-nice managers. but back to this morning—when this other employee said what he/she said (and mostly in the WAY that he/she said it), I was in such shock that I gut-reacted immediately…maybe not the smartest thing to do, but in retrospect, I think I am glad that I did. I kind of feel like kathleen kelly when she finally socked it to joe fox. (except that I don’t have an ongoing feud with this co-worker--at least, i hope not!!!)my dear boss just popped his head in for the first time today, and somehow I found myself blubbering the whole story to him. I REALLY felt like a second-grader tattling to the teacher, but I feel SO MUCH BETTER now. my favourite part was that he eloquently and professionally stated that this worker has been known to react that way in the past. (in other words, he knows about it!) I do not understand politics in the workplace, especially THIS workplace, but, for the time being, I suppose I am okay with not knowing.
p.s. does ANYONE know why my blog says i have only written 7 posts? i've followed the instructions in the help section, but alas, nothing has changed.
p.p.s. WHY oh why do we only have SEVEN font choices?!?! (eight, including webdings?)
1 comment(s):
I am so sorry that this happened to you. It hurts my heart to think of you being spoken to in any way that is inconsiderate, rude or demeaning. I came by today, and after reading about this experience, I so wish that I had come back by later on. You are wonderful, and whatever was said to you, I know, was undeserved. I hope to talk to you soon. Love you.
Jace's Mom, at
6:47 PM
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