the building janitor
DISCLAIMER: some of you might be really sad about me after reading this, and for that, i am sorry.the vacuuming.
EVERY DAY, the vacuuming.
seriously, does the carpet out in the hallway really get THAT dirty on a daily basis?!?!
i simply don’t understand.
and the DUSTING. I don’t get it. around my doorframe and hallway window with that purple (of course it’s purple) dustbrush—pausing as though he just wants me to look up and say hi. and why don’t i? why am i so lacking in grace and kindness and LOVE? why won’t i exhibit more patience?
one might say he’s just doing his job.
one might not have such a black heart as i do and be thankful for him and be his friend.
every year around christmas, everyone in the building is asked to contribute $ to give to him as a present. i’m sorry, but is there really any way that he gets paid less than me?
(i can’t believe i’m writing this, but 14K. you read right—and yes, i do believe that’s poverty level.) i’m so mean, but why a christmas “bonus” for him? he is nice. he really is nice.
i don’t know how i’ve grown so bitter and ungrateful and irritable in my old age. :(
shame on me. shame.
i’m thankful for Christ’s mercy.
2 comment(s):
Hey, it's okay (now that I can finally comment - Blogger wouldn't let me for several days there).
Our last janitor, Stanley, bore a curious resemblance to Elmer Fudd and often showed up wearing SHORT SHORTS AND A SEE-THROUGH WIFE-BEATER to clean in. He also wore his vacuum cleaner strapped to his back.
As though that's not reason enough to abhor his presence, he would also talktalktalktalktalk about his wife's health problems or how he'd gotten rear-ended by a "soccer mom in an SUV" (he loved that phrase) or any of the other thousand problems in his life, repeating his stories vertabim to each person in the office. We'd always just say "Mm hmm" while staring at our computer screens, but he never got the freaking hint. He's gone, and now we have a very efficient woman who does her work quickly and responds to the question "How are you doing today?" with three words - "Good, thank you". I love her.
Rachel, at
8:43 AM
I didn't know your email or phone #, so I'm posting to you here. I called Sticky Fingerz and Suzon said they still have some tickets there, even if the online retailer is sold out. I'm going to run by sometime tomorrow to hopefully pick some up, so if you need me to pick you up a couple call my cell (before 11am in case I go for lunch) and I'll pick them up for you ($15 each) - 231-5854. (I just posted my # for all the world to read... smart...)
Kimberly, at
5:51 PM
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