honest, harsh
i can’t wait to get away, can’t wait to get out of here.discontent? yes.
disgruntled? yes.
disgusted? yes.
and i just had to delete the rest.
i've been walking around with a 500lb. weight of guilt and remorse for my horrible words.
i was so overwhelmed by all of your words of comfort and encouragement--thank you.
but truly, i think i was WAY OVERLY dramatic--exaggerating to the umpteenth degree. they really are not that bad. i was childish and immature (and RUDE) to ever speak of them that way.
and guess what? the day after i posted all that junk, my boss (the most wonderful boss in the whole world) surprised me with some gorgeous flowers, an incredibly kind card, and a promise to take me and his other secretary out to lunch soon. i was also floored at his spoken words (as he has said similarly in the past),
"i don't know where i would be without you."
and could my heart melt any more? and could i simultaneously feel any more terrible for the cruel things i had just written about others?
i've read/heard that "life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond." well, i'm learning. thank you for being with me on this journey.
LOVE from rebekah.
10 comment(s):
I love you so much, and it makes me so angry to think of you having to put up with that. I cannot imagine anyone having anything bad to say about you. Anytime you think about anything they've said, just let me know, and I will have a million more reasons why you are wonderful. Maybe I'll make you a list - then you can read a new one if you hear them talking about you and maybe it will even out the bad. Unfortunately, we hear the bad louder than the good, but hear this, YOU ARE WONDERFUL! I mean that with every bit of my heart. You are one of the kindest, sweetest, most loving people I have ever known, and I feel privileged to call you my friend.
Jace's Mom, at
7:52 PM
I will pray that you get the peace you need to deal with those venom spewing women that you have to work with on a daily basis. And I will keep on wishing that you and anyone else who needs it, is able to just up and leave their jobs and not have to worry about anything. And we should all be so luck as Sweet Jennie, because that took guts and a faith I am not sure I'd ever have. And last but not least, you are beautiful inside and out, and I hope that people will realize that.
Crystal, at
6:54 PM
Honey, I've read this post a couple of times over the last few days, and I didn't know what to say. I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you. I'm so sorry you have to put up with that. Honestly, though, I feel sorry for the ppl you work with...if they can't realize how blessed they are to get to work with you, they are missing out on so much! It's a shame they let their hurtful silliness get in the way of that.
Stephanie, at
9:58 AM
Hey girl, DO NOT apologize! Everyone needs to vent somewhere and sometime. I am glad you vented to us, your friends! It makes me so upset to think of people treating you that way. You are TRULY the nicest, sweetest person I know and you shouldn't have to deal with that crap. Work environments are complex and have sort of their own weird family dynamics. It is especially hard when you are working with people who are disrespectful, gossipy, and just plain mean. That negativity makes it extremely difficult to function in on a day to day basis. I understand completely!!! Be strong and remember that He will be with you! :)
Cecilia, at
4:24 PM
you know what miss poo! I thought maybe you were under telling the story because u you know we do that...trying to make sure if we are telling it right...but I so wish I had your "niceness" and I am hoping that I can have some rub off on me when I get to hug u at the wedding! And I am so glad your boss took the time to recognize your contribution to his company! love you sweetie!!!!
Crystal, at
1:28 PM
hey rebekah, this isn't a comment on your post (where have you been?!?), but just a note to say that i saw you in jennie's wedding slideshow, and you look gorgeous! (and man, would i kill for your hair!).
hope all is well with you!!
Mary, at
6:24 AM
i wanna hear about your trip sweetie!
Crystal, at
10:32 AM
you gotta update soon...2 months already!?!
love you!
Charla, at
1:04 PM
hey i miss you. how the heck are you?
juliebelle, at
5:00 PM
Where are you?
Cecilia, at
9:39 AM
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