Back to work.Today was my first day back to work after being gone for six weeks.
Back to excel spreadsheets and numbers upon numbers that will probably never amount to anything...okay, sorry for the negativity. You can imagine my being a bit down upon having to leave this precious face this morning:
Although I was up for one crazy feeding last night with that little darling from 1 until almost 4 in the morning, I was really not nearly as tired at work as I expected I would be.
Maybe tomorrow will be even easier. Here's hoping.
Side Note:
I'm pretty sure I've confessed in the past (indirectly, at least) that one of the main reasons I have not written in so long is because I am such a perfectionist. Because I was regrettably not an English major, I realise how imperfect my grammar and writing skills are...and that fact makes me SHUDDER on a regular basis. (Rachel, if you are reading, please be merciful.) :)
Being a mother.
Being a mother is literally a dream come true for me. Although I find myself at wit's end more often than not (see above example of a semi-regular feeding session), each time I look at MY baby's face (am I really a mother?) or hold that little bundle close to me, the joy is more than my heart can hold. I'm more grateful than I could begin to put into words.
Many thoughts and emotions have remained untouched by me since May or earlier. I don't know why I haven't been dealing with the events in my life in a healthy manner; I suppose the primary reason may be because many of those events have been pretty traumatic and/or mostly negative. The number one way I usually deal with things is through writing--usually in my own personal pretty-on-the-outside-dirty-on-the-in journal--and I have done almost ZERO of that all year. In addition to the reason stated above for my lack of public writing, I would have to say I also hold WAY too much fear...fear of being judged, not liked, you name it. Just call me paranoid patty. (What?? Okay, it is nearing midnight, and i should be FAST ASLEEP since she is...)
Okay, on that note. :)
Thanks, cyberfriends, for sticking with me. You're the best.
4 comment(s):
It's so great to hear from you Rebekah! I have missed hearing from you but I completely understand that motherhood takes it toll on your free time.
Matt and Kim Cleveland, at
7:22 AM
i'd find it hard to leave someone that I enjoyed and adored as much as you do your wonderful daughter. Oh I can't touch the negativity, because I am full of it! And I don't want to bring others down. But I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you are so honest in your feelings. I personally believe you will overcome just because of your amazing spirit and I've only known you for a few months and not even that well, and I see that glowing personality of yours in everything you do!
Crystal, at
12:14 PM
dearest paranoid patty,
it's wonderful to have you back.
i've missed you.
and i can't wait to see little pumpkin in person sometime very soon.
hang in there. :)
juliebelle, at
6:48 AM
SO SO SO good to see you and spend some heart-to-heart time on Sat. what a precious friend you are. it means more than i can say to be real with you, and know that it's safe. love and miss you.
Charla, at
1:32 PM
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