Squealing Baby
Every so often, little squeals of joy or exclamation will burst out of her, and her cuteness overWHELMS me. I need to get out the dang camera and start taking some PHOTOS of her, for heaven's sake--as well as some video so maybe you can share with me in the happiness this baby girl brings to all around her.
I suppose I have turned into one of those parents. Oh well. :)
The Boob Tube
Last night Doug and I missed Lost. We were so disappointed!! I was especially mad when my eyes accidentally fell across an article today and read that _ _ _ died! (For those who watch the show and somehow missed the episode and don't WANT to know, you are welcome.) I will NOT miss, however, The Office tonight. I can hardly wait. Doug and I find ourselves literally in tears due to laughing so hard. We've simply got to buy up all the available episodes of this genius show. When I first learned there was going to be an "American" version of The Office, I thought--no, there's no way it can even come close to being as funny as the BBC version...but oh, you just wait. Just WATCH. LOVE.IT.
Going Home
No, this section is not about heaven. I've written just a wee bit here, mostly wanting to fill up space and time. 1) I didn't want the R.L. comment (see below) to be at the top of my blog anymore and 2) it's time to go home!
5 comment(s):
tommy and i check out DVDs from the library all of the time. we just checked out the whole first season last week. hilarious.
juliebelle, at
6:37 AM
of the office, i meant to say.
i guess i missed the new season last night sincei only just read this this morning. shoot.
juliebelle, at
6:38 AM
On Babies:
I think the best parents are the ones who think their baby is adorable and want to share her with the world (or at least that's what I keep telling myself:)
On the Office:
LOVE IT. Thanks for not telling who died on Lost. We will watch it soon...maybe tonight. We've been watching the first season too. Matt and I laugh so hard that sometimes I'm afraid we will wake Eleanor.
M. Lumpkin, at
7:15 AM
Is it even possible to have a baby (especially one as cute as Elisabeth) and not want to tell the world how adorable she is? I don't really think it is. I can't wait to see those pictures!
As you know, we too are Lost and The Office fans. We love both of them. But you still need to watch last week's Lost episode...a lot more happens than just _____ dying.
Thanks for the message on Sunday - I was sad that I missed your call.
Matt and Kim Cleveland, at
12:28 PM
i don't watch the office, so i'd fall into the category jeb has described--and as if I need one more tv show to watch. heck my couch pattern is permanently imprinted on my behind from intaking too much danged television. and i still boycott lost because they booted alias from their winning time slot 3 seasons ago--(i know i need to let it go since alias is off the air--but i am nothing if NOT loyal :)
Crystal, at
8:42 AM
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