

one more reason why i love claire danes

as quoted in a recent online article on msnbc, she said,

"i keep my pointer finger in my pocket because i never know why people make the choices they do.”

God, please remind me again and again that You alone are Judge.



THIS weekend.

I can't wait to be in our new home. :)
(That's what I'm going to say to myself over and over during this yucky, scary weekend!!)


Rah, Rah, Rah!

Kick it in the jaw!

Rah, Rah, Rass!
Kick it in the...

Well, you know where to kick it, dear Doug.
May Day Two of this second killer Baptist Heritage exam be a breeze for you!!

Here's to the fateful die rolling and revealing four dots!!! :)



i'm so happy jennie posted about her news--now i can!! :)

my best friend is getting married, and i could not be any happier for her.

there is not a kinder, more loving, gifted & handsome man that i could ever wish for her.

thank You, God, for bringing them together. may You continue to protect them. may You continue to richly bless them as they seek to be more like You. may their hearts and minds continue to be filled with peace and joy as they trust in You. as they're getting ready to be married and especially after they're married, please show them Your love, Lord, through one another. may You receive the glory, for great things You have done. thank You!




i hate the


Mohawked Deer-Lover

I read this here yesterday. I just had to share it. It's a little funny and a little weird and a little frightening all mixed up in one big pot.

In September, after law enforcement officers in North Carolina spotted a reportedly stolen ambulance and chased it through three counties until forcing it into a ditch north of Greensboro, they found the driver to be mohawk-hairstyled Leon Hollimon Jr., 37, who is not a medical professional but was wearing a stethoscope and with latex gloves in his pocket. Strapped to a gurney in the back was a dead six-point deer, and according to witnesses cited by the Florida Times-Union newspaper (Hollimon is from Jacksonville, Fla.), an intravenous line was attached to it and a defibrillator had been used. [Florida Times-Union, 9-28-05]

Completely beside the point,
  • Doug and I are moving into a new [rent] home; we could not be more happy or excited. Please send donations. JUST KIDDING. But seriously--sometimes I feel like we're making a "wrong" move because of $. Hard not to worry and such. But in the comforting and wise words of my mother, "I know it will be hard, but you've gotta have a life," and then today, from Scott Duvall, "There's something to say about the quality of life..." And really, we haven't. (Had a life.) (For 9 months.)
  • Any coincidence there with the nine months thing? Ha ha, another JUST KIDDING.
  • This Saturday is my first group meeting for FINLAND. I look forward to meeting the other team members and talking about the trip. :)
  • I'm hosting this month for my beloved Bunco group! A huge, hearty thanks to my dear friends, Jennie and Lori, for the use of their beautiful home on the eve of the 22nd.
  • Speaking of food, yes, I changed my template. What can I say? I love food. Why not have it as my template. :)
  • I'm becoming a more horrible employee by the millisecond. I've GOT to do something about this. That, and I think I'm going to have to get another "moonlighting" job again. (See the first bullet.) School cafeteria, here I come? I could be like Adam Sandler's lunch lady. Or hopefully not.