

For Jennie

Four jobs you've had in your life:
1. I helped a little boy learn how to read and write. (I tutored him one summer.)
2. Preschool Teacher and Assistant Director of a child care center
3. Children’s Minister at a Korean church
4. waited tables at “the crack” and a psycho Italian restaurant

Four movies you would watch over and over:
(my answers are those that i HAVE watched over and over…)
1. Say Anything
2. A Charlie Brown Christmas
3. any Wes Anderson film
4. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. Seinfeld

2. American Idol
3. if we had cable, i would watch TLC—shows like Clean Sweep and Trading Spaces

4. Lost

Four places you have been on vacation:
1. Weston (Fort Lauderdale), Florida
2. New Orleans, Louisiana (a couple years ago)
3. a “mini world tour” including Singapore, Cairo, Jerusalem, Rome, Athens and Hawaii (with family, when i was young)
4. Eureka Springs, Arkansas (i know, i know—but we did…and loved it! twice!) :)

Four websites you visit daily:
1. my work’s intranet home page
2. my bank’s website
3. blogs, blogs and more blogs

Four of your favorite foods:
1. Chocolate
2. Bread
3. Steak
4. Chicken Alfredo

Four things you would change about your house:
(I would love to own a home; then maybe we would desire to invest in any changes!)
1. insulate it
2. create more storage space
3. add a few more rooms—laundry room and extra bdrm
4. make the back patio more sturdy and beautify the yard (front and back)

Four bloggers you are tagging:

1. Mary Beth
2. Kevin (even if he didn’t leave me anything...j/k) :)
3. Sarah
4. Celcia!


happy new year

so i found out today that my uncle mike and aunt lisa are now divorced.
when i first learned of their separation (early last year), i cried my eyes out—lamenting for them, their children, the pain of divorce in general…since then, they semi-reconciled. i even saw them together, all four of them as a family, just a few months ago.

but then uncle mike showed up alone at thanksgiving.

and now today this news.
and strangely, not a single tear fell. (at least, not yet.)
i’m just so tired. i’m so tired of bad news. i’m tired of things and people getting broken.

divorce is so despairing. it’s like death, but worse?

i’ve always been torn over divorce. my whole life, divorce and abortion were the two things that could almost always immediately bring tears to my eyes—and then one day i woke up and realized something: if my parents had never divorced their first spouses, i wouldn’t be here. i would have never been born.

there’s much more to say about all that, but i won’t say it. not today. for i say i’m tired of bad news, but here i am being another bearer of it.

so, hello. hello, electronic world, and i wish you well. i wish you whole, joyful relationships, especially your marital ones. fight to the DEATH, i say; may we beat those wretched statistics.

may this year be a redeeming one for those who have been in the dark too long. and may those who run hand-in-hand through grassy fields continue to do so, tempting those in the shadows to join them with the love in their eyes and the joy in their laughs.

for God’s sake,
never give up on love.