reunion from...

Kelle, Me, Cecilia and Rachel at our 10-year High School Reunion
I feel I have complained and complained and comPLAINED about my 10-year reunion sooo much...
although I wanted to go into all the ridiculous details, when I received this picture in my inbox today, a huge smile spread across my face, and I realized that all the money, all the worrying, all the stupidness was truly, truly worth it--just because I got to see these three old friends.
This might be the shortest post ever, but that's all I have to say about this. :)
so i have about a gazillion things that i want to write about, but i've actually been pretty busy at work. (heaven forbid that i actually WORK while at work!!) i've also just started a (second) new job, as some of you know, which has cut down from any night-writing. (not to be confused with Knight Rider, though i wish.) ideas for further posts include:- a long, overdue follow-up to the master cleanser
- thoughts on some friends moving and wondering why things happen a certain way
- the blasted, ridiculous excuse for a 10 yr reunion
- the tag i got from rachel a while ago (i love it, and i truly plan to do it)
- my new job
good grief, i'm already tired from writing.